"I'm a Front-end Developer, Angular enthusiast, and co-founder of the TunisianJs-Community. As a meetups co-organizer, I foster collaboration and contribute to the open-source community, aiming to advance Front-end technologies and create meaningful connections in the tech space."
Worked on the FastTrack project, contributing to a statistical computing environment based on microservices.
Conducted end-to-end (e2e) tests using Cypress.
Implemented refactoring initiatives in the old codebase.
Collaborated within an agile team, involving business specialists, software engineers, and designers, and utilized Scrum methodology.
Technologies: Angular, Git, Rxjs, Akita, Jenkins, Cypress, unit testing, and UI/UX.
- Created an online course about React for beginners
- Working in projects related to Financial and Epayements cases
- Working with Scrum methodlogy (Sprint planning , Daily meeting ,Retrospective)
- Worked in a project dedicated to the following advancement, cost, and velocity of products developed by the group Almerys (Spring Boot, MongoDB, Rxjs, Ngrx, Keycloak, GitLab-ci)
-Mission within be-ys pay as a full-stack engineer for most (mobile point of sale) projects.
-Worked on a project dedicated to insurance claims
- Implemented schedule jobs for data persistence
- Made code-refactoring for front-end projects
- Added unit and integration tests on several web applications' back end written in Java, using JUnit and Mockito.
-Add state management front-en project with Rxjs, Ngrx
- Using Scrum methodology (Sprint planning, Daily meeting, Retrospective)
- E-health platform to manage medical data based in the Blockchain technology
- Help students to learn Reactjs /React native
- Resumes Search engine serves to find relevant resumes related to search filter .
- Chatbot to help searching relevant resumes to user query.
-Artificial intelligence track content creation contributor
-Developing Real Time score Leaderboard
-Mobile application for users who are searching for micro-workers
-Web and Mobile applications for clients to rent cars.
-Web application to handle booking-cars,clients , cars maintenance and alerts , drivers ,statistics ,
-E-commerce website.
Blockchain (end-of-studies) project
Blockchain (end-of-studies) project
(Summer internship work ).
Technologies :
Messenger chatbot (startup-weekend-challenge) project
Hack ton code project (First PLace )
Hack_the_pfe_project (Hackathon project)
(TuniHack Hackathon 2017 Project ).
Technologies :
(Enicartgahe Hackathon 2018 project )
Technologies :
School project
Technologies :
React Native application (School project 2017).
Technologies :
Kpeiz ( Hackathon Project 2018 ,Second Place).
Technologies :
Technologies :
School project
Technologies :
Summer-internhsip project
Technologies :
(Ensi Summer Code challenge 2016 project)
React VR project (School project)
(Coding land v12 hackathon 2016 project)
Ensi Web Campn 2017 project(second place)
description : allow you to get all tunisian cities populations for the date January 2019
Helping to make cleaning of the data ana generate rules between senteces(Apriori )