"I'm a Front-end Developer, Angular enthusiast, and co-founder of the TunisianJs-Community. As a meetups co-organizer, I foster collaboration and contribute to the open-source community, aiming to advance Front-end technologies and create meaningful connections in the tech space."
Worked on the FastTrack project, contributing to a statistical computing environment based on microservices.
Conducted end-to-end (e2e) tests using Cypress.
Implemented refactoring initiatives in the old codebase.
Collaborated within an agile team, involving business specialists, software engineers, and designers, and utilized Scrum methodology.
Technologies: Angular, Git, Rxjs, Akita, Jenkins, Cypress, unit testing, and UI/UX.
- Created an online course about React for beginners
- Working in projects related to Financial and Epayements cases
- Working with Scrum methodlogy (Sprint planning , Daily meeting ,Retrospective)
- Worked in a project dedicated to the following advancement, cost, and velocity of products developed by the group Almerys (Spring Boot, MongoDB, Rxjs, Ngrx, Keycloak, GitLab-ci)
-Mission within be-ys pay as a full-stack engineer for most (mobile point of sale) projects.
-Worked on a project dedicated to insurance claims
- Implemented schedule jobs for data persistence
- Made code-refactoring for front-end projects
- Added unit and integration tests on several web applications' back end written in Java, using JUnit and Mockito.
-Add state management front-en project with Rxjs, Ngrx
- Using Scrum methodology (Sprint planning, Daily meeting, Retrospective)
- E-health platform to manage medical data based in the Blockchain technology
- Help students to learn Reactjs /React native
- Resumes Search engine serves to find relevant resumes related to search filter .
- Chatbot to help searching relevant resumes to user query.
-Artificial intelligence track content creation contributor
-Developing Real Time score Leaderboard
-Mobile application for users who are searching for micro-workers
-Web and Mobile applications for clients to rent cars.
-Web application to handle booking-cars,clients , cars maintenance and alerts , drivers ,statistics ,
-E-commerce website.
Blockchain (end-of-studies) project
Blockchain (end-of-studies) project
(Summer internship work ).
Technologies :
Messenger chatbot (startup-weekend-challenge) project
Hack ton code project (First PLace )
Hack_the_pfe_project (Hackathon project)
(TuniHack Hackathon 2017 Project ).
Technologies :
(Enicartgahe Hackathon 2018 project )
Technologies :
School project
Technologies :
React Native application (School project 2017).
Technologies :
Kpeiz ( Hackathon Project 2018 ,Second Place).
Technologies :
Technologies :
School project
Technologies :
Summer-internhsip project
Technologies :
(Ensi Summer Code challenge 2016 project)
React VR project (School project)
(Coding land v12 hackathon 2016 project)
Ensi Web Campn 2017 project(second place)
Helping to make cleaning of the data ana generate rules between senteces(Apriori )